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Healing Yourself With Sacred Self-Care

Heart-centered self-care is more than buying yourself a nice cup of coffee.  And self-care becomes sacred when you intentionally create a loving practice to care for yourself fully and deeply.   Self-care starts to grow and expand when you sort out any stuck mindset or limiting beliefs that are not allowing you to fully see and embrace your true value and worth.  In this course, we will spend time identifying and releasing all the junk that is stopping you from from showing up for yourself from a heart-centered place. 

This course includes 4 weeks of materials, including:

  • affirmations
  • journal prompts
  • guided meditations
  • inspiration
  • exercises
  • templates for creating a practice of self-care

We are going to start tackling some of the biggest roadblocks for establishing and maintaining a healthy routine of self-care; healing the inner child and learning to lovingly "parent" ourselves as adults. 

Check out what past clients have said about this course: 

~"Thanks! I needed a kick in the butt (and hand holding) to get me starting to think about myself and try self-care in a new way."

~"This came at the perfect time.  I was feeling worn out but sick of my people pleasing.  I wanted to do something just for me." 

~"I wasn't sure what to think of Reiki, but I am so glad I tried it as new form of self-care...you gave me a lot to think about." 

~"When I heard you originally talk about self-care I literally thought of an expensive spa day out.  I am so sad that I never knew self-care was showing myself love.  Why am I learning this now? I missed out on 20 years of loving myself.  That changes today!"  

(client identifying information withheld for confidentiality)

4 Modules

Week 1: Making Yourself YOUR Priority

Hey ! Are you excited to start creating inner balance and well-being???  

I am excited for you!  This week you will be practicing making yourself a priority.  Why? My #1 answer: Because you deserve it.  But also, because prioritizing OUR needs is often not modeled to us by the adults in our lives when we are kid so we may not have fully developed the skill.  With more practice, we learn to recognize, honor and consciously act on meeting our needs.  Guess what that leads to?  Inner balance and well-being!  YAY! 

Week 2: Showing Up for Yourself

Welcome to Week 2 of the Self-Care Challenge! 

This week's focus will be on "Showing up for Yourself".   This week will include breathwork, guided meditation, journaling, affirmations and self-care tips.  

Are you ready?  Let's go! 

Week 3: Honoring Your Cycles, Creating Balance

Breaking through our roadblocks, wonky mindset and outdated beliefs lays a solid foundation to be able to honor our cycle and create balance in our life.

Week 4: Putting it All Together

This week is all about finishing your promise to yourself; putting together a supportive self-care plan from a place of love and compassion so your feel free to experience the flow of life.  

Modules for this product 4
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 Healing Yourself with Sacred Self-Care (30 days of Self-Care)
 $ 27.00 USD

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I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. 

  • I understand that the work I put into this course will determine the results I see at the end. 
  • If I am not ready to commit myself to completing the course after I begin, I am aware that might mean I may need other services first. 
  • Mary @ River's Journey Wellness recommends that individuals who have significant trauma history, work closely with a trained, licensed and trauma-informed mental health therapist when do any work to heal the inner child. 
  • This course is intended as a self-paced course for personal education and growth, no treatment or counseling will be provided.
  • I understand that refunds are not available, but I am encouraged to reach out to Mary to understand how I can best utilize the materials for where I am on my journey. 
  • See River's Journey Wellness' Disclaimer for additional information. 

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