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Blog Dissolving Fear with Love

Dissolving Fear with Love


Typically, in Chicagoland there is an unpredictable period between Winter ending and Spring beginning.  The temps warm up enough to melt snow and ice and for men to wear shorts and hoodies to stores and women ditch their winter parkas. We get overly confident that Winter is done.  Quickly the temperature plummets and it freezes and even snows again.  The sun comes out but then hides behind clouds with a whipping wind.  Followed by thunderstorms. You can probably put the snowblower away but keep your shovels handy. 

We know this.  It happens every year.  I’m sure your area has memes about the craziness of weather patterns in this time of evident climate change.  “Fool’s Spring” “Second Winter” “False Spring” Third Winter”, etc., you get the idea. 

Usually, I pay attention to the weather and manage navigating this unpredictable period well.  Usually. 

A few weeks ago, after a quirky pattern of major thaw, then heavy rains followed by quick freeze and light snow, I slipped on ice in my yard and hit my head. Ouch! I was heading out back to fill the bird feeder at the time (I know, I know, of course it had to be something like that with me!).

I hadn’t stepped into the backyard since that dreadful Thursday.

But then last night Norbert (our dog) alerted me that birds had made a nest in one of our birdhouses. I was so excited, I gingerly stepped outside holding the deck posts as I navigated towards the birdhouse.

And then it dawned on me…I hadn’t ventured outside since the fateful slip.  And then I realized…probably because of fear. But the anticipated joy of seeing a little bit of nesting sticking out of the birdhouse got me to put my boots on and tread slowly outside. Awww, for my love of the birds.

So, in what areas have you been allowing fear to keep you stuck or frozen?

How can you use love to dissolve the fear so you can tap back into joy and inspiration?

Back in my days of working in addictions, we used a lot of acronyms…some I still use today. One of the acronyms that gained traction was an acronym for fear:  

False Evidence Appearing Real.

This spoke to the invalidity of our anxious thoughts…telling us we should fear something, our minds promising that it was trying to keep us safe; but truly only keeping us scared. Keeping us anxious. Keeping us frozen. 

We have a choice in whether we continue to regard situations (real or potential) as something to be feared or something for us to work through.

So, instead of fear breaking down into:  Forget Everything And Run.

We can mindfully choose instead to Face Everything And Rise.


Affirmations for dissolving fear with love:

  • I accept me as I am now; I release the need for approval.
  • I have everything I need to create my own opportunities.
  • Self-criticism and other harsh words keep me frozen; instead, I choose loving, supportive and compassionate words so that I may heal and grow.
  • I am free to evolve and release anything that takes away from my personal growth.
  • My mistakes do not define me or dictate my future success.


If you are needing support with dissolving your fears by developing a practice of self-love, self-compassion and self-care.  Reach out and we can chat about how working together could get you venturing back into your yard seeking out joy again!  mary@riversjourneywellness.com

If you are needing to learn the basics of self-care and self-love, I invite you to check out my self-paced program called Heart-Centered Self-Care Challenge.  If you live locally and want some support in creating a practice of  self-love, self-care and self-compassion while enjoy a walk in nature, check out Women Walk and Talk in the Woods.      

Take care on the slippery patches of life!



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